Sunday, November 25, 2012

ObbsAndLala Baby Names Tag! Part 2.

On to part 2!

8. Top 3 Girl names.

  Answer: My girl names change all to much, but as of this second my top 3 would be Poet Evangeline, Saffia Amaryllis, & Lotus Xavier.

9. Favorite Celebrity baby name.

  Answer: Of course they would be Sage( Sylvester Stallone's late son) & Poet ( Soleil Moon Frye's daughter). But to step away from my top names I'll choose from this year. For a girl I love Wilhelmina Jane (Taylor Hanson's daughter). I mean that name is just sweetness all around, so happy someone used Wilhelmina. For a boy my favorite this year is Brooks Alan. I've been loving Brooks for a while and paired with Alan makes it even more handsome.

10. Ultimate GP name.

  Answer: For a boy is Clifford<3 I loove the name Clifford so much, but due to the dog I sadly think it's unusable. I do have it as a middle though since I can't let it go. For a girl I have so many but Mylitta has been on my mind a lot lately. Such a sweet name though too sweet. I still want to use it as a middle though. 

11. Most hated baby names.

  Answer: I know a lot of people love this name but I just can't stand Violet. Waay to close to Violent to the point were whenever I see it I get the two mixed up. For a boy I guess Layton. -ayton names are just not for me actually since I can't stand Payton either.

12. Choose a baby name based on a food/drink.

  Answer: I had the hardest time thinking of a boy name until it dawned on me that Sage is a food haha so yeah Sage for a boy and Plum for a girl.

13. Choose a baby name based on a month.

  Answer: December for a boy and January for a girl. I know most would see December as a girl name but I see it as an alternative to Declan.

14. Choose a baby name from Twilight.

  Answer: For a boy I love Carlisle and for a girl I like Victoria.

15. Choose a baby name that is already in your family.

  Answer:  I love the name Marcel, which is my dads middle, but he hates the name and everyone thinks it's too feminine. Which doesn't bother me since I have Madison on my list but my dad would kill me if I used it. For a girl Lucille, my grandmas middle name.

Well those are it! Hope everyone enjoyed it!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

ObbsAndLala Baby Names Tag! Part 1.

I just watched ObbsAndLala's Baby name Tag videos and thought it would be fun to do! Everyone is tagged feel free to make a video or comment the answers below! P.S. I like weird names so enjoy my craziness :~P.

1. List your favorite & least favorite names from the SSA 2011 Top Ten. (Why do you like them and would you use a nickname?) 

  Answer:  My favorite boy name would be Mason, not sure why it just sounds really cool and handsome to me. Not a name I would use though since it's sooo popular where I live (#1 last year!). My favorite girl name is.... hard! I love Emma, Chloe, and Abigail but I guess Abigail is my favorite since I've loved it the longest. As for nicknames I love Babs for Abigail, Abi is adorable but too common of a nickname, for Mason I think Mase or Masey are adorable but I would probably just use his full name. 

2. If you had twins, what would you name them? (G/G, B/B, & G/B)

  Answer: Two girls would be Saffia Amaryllis "Fia/Fi" & Lotus Xavier "Loie/Lolo/Lottie". I love those two together and have been obsessing over Lotus's nickname possibilities. Two boys would be Sage Nathaniel & Sebastien Cove. I've always wanted twin boys with these names, first letter matchy-ness was so not intentional haha! Girl/Boy would be Poet Evangeline & Price Mackenzie, matchy-ness also not on purpose.

3. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

  Answer: Duffy. It still fits with my parents theme and has a old Hollywood glamour about it to me.

4. You have 4 children, any gender. Their first names all start with the same letter. What would their names be? 

  Answer: Hmm I'll do S names since that's my favorite letter. Sage(b), Sebastien, Saffia, & Snow! Sage and Snow are kinda close but whatever I like it haha! 

5. Favorite animal inspired name.

  Answer: For a boy Hawk more so as a nickname for Hawthorne though. Girl would be Dove. 

6. Favorite color inspired name.

  Answer: For a boy Grey and for a girl Blu. 

7.  Top 3 boy names. 

  Answers: I actually have combo's so it would be Price Mackenzie, Madison Finch/Laszlo , & Sage Aurelian! Still not sure which middle I love more for Madison though I am leaning towards Finch. 

I'll do the next part a little later since I don't want this to be too long. Anyway thanks for reading. :~) Oh and go check out Kayla's channel!